Albertus Magnus Gymnasium Ettlingen

This week (20 till 27th of March 2019)  we are the guests of the Albertus Magnus Gymnasium in Ettlingen (a residential suburb of Karlsruhe) in Baden-Württemberg and it’s my first confrontation with the German school system, during the Erasmus+project MECE (Making Europe Count Everywhere). Compared to my own school Albertus Magnus Gymnasium is modern, is 21st century like, is rather big (about 1200 students with the Realschule included), but never crowdy. There are lots of differences which I can’t assess immediately, asking myself if they are better or not. One thing’s for sure: the Baden-Württemberg government is investing much more money into education than we ever will do in Flanders. If I compare buildings, classroom facilities,… Infrastructure is very ok, while in Flanders schoolbuilding program is 7 billion behind. I am quite happy the first exchange could take place in Ostend, and we could build up with Clevedon and Ettlingen, now that we can view a replay of the project. On the other hand school starts at 7.45 am here.