Garden Diary: first excursions

The 24th of April 2010
On this first real spring day I did some work in the garden; the compost heap was finished and one alpwatersalamander popped up awakened from his late wintersleep. One young blackbird skipping around, probably fallen out of the nest. Other eyecatchers on the pond: the butteryellow marsh-marigold.

dotterbloem in de minivijver

The 3d of May 2010

1/5/2010: harvest of leek for a delicious risotto con porcini.

Leek survived the long winter in our garden and is now ready for a delicious risotto with porcini… Mmm!

The 5th of May  2010

Blooming Choisya ternata and the flavours of the Syringa vulgaris.