This is how teachers battle ChatGPT

,,The student’s free writing must occupy a central place in the work of the class insofar as it is the free expression of the subject, addressed to others to be read, discussed, giving rise to a printed text that can be disseminated”. (Célestin Freinet, Le texte libre)

Students brainstorm on contents, go on interviews, write out, edit, correct, check their spelling, shape, think in balances between images, forms and texts, and finally publish for their peers. The moment of recognition:  ”I wrote this!” is impossible for the chatbot to deliver. It is the perhaps old-fashioned feeling of any journalist, seeing printed in the morning the result of his work that you, as a teacher, give to your students and it is irreplaceable, a certain form of self pride that young people today need so much and that threatens to be taken away from them by the chatbots.